- a dual-band 3.4 & 5.7 GHz SSPA module for portable operation
- working on modifying a 400 W C band TWT (80k) for 5760 MHz
- a CW beacon for 5760 MHz ( not QRV yet )
- omnidirectional vertically polarised antenna for 5.7 GHz based on an idea from JA3UMZ.
- GaAs-FET and P-HEMT experimental LNA's for troposcatter and EME
- subharmonic coaxial mixers for 5.7 GHz GHz
- 5.7 GHz transmit and receive equipment for for 6 cm EME ( lots of info on the LNA, waveguide, feed etc. here ! )
- listening to the Helsinki 6 cm beacon during the 2011 Märkiö Microwave Meeting with horn antenna
- closeup of my homebrew 5760 MHz, 5W transverter (these three photos by OH2KXH)
- BIG file: notes on constructing a 5.7 GHz LNA ( in Finnish ) New: 1 dB compression with Anritsu 37347A 1 & 2
- a 5.7 GHz CW beacon, 4 W out, not QRV yet ( photos: LO, 66k, and 4 W SSPA, 34k )