K band projects...

K band experiments and projects:

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- first 24 GHz amateur contact between Finland and Sweden - also new Finnish distance record at 173 km ! (05.08.2009)

- 24 GHz Finnish Record (95 km) as OH2AUE/P (38k) on 28.07.2000 with OH2AXH/P in KP20LE on SSB (54/54 raports)

- unsuccessful attempt (47k) to extend the record to 136 km from KP20GJ (OH3UW on 10 GHz) in August 2000

- a photo of my 24 GHz station at the crossroads (70k) of Männistönrinteenkatu and Hakkapeliitankatu in Lahti, KP20TX

- OH2JMS (51k) was also at hand to help me assemble my station in the drizzle

- initial alignment was a futile attempt on 10 GHz, as rainscatter (647k) spoiled this endeavour !

- with some persistent work, the 24 GHz signals were found as tropo (743k) despite the rain front on the 95 km path

- a view from behind (44k) the 0.6 m dish after the rain subsided

- the block diagram (12k) of the configuration being currently used, soon to be upgraded to 700 mW output

- 24 GHz FM-ATV (47k) television transmitter and receiver (received video (53k) on scope)

- 24 GHz WBFM full duplex two-way speech tranceivers used for first contacts in Finland with OH6EH

- building narrow band gear for 24 GHz (74k) with OH2JMS ( project just started )

- block diagram of my first medium performance 24 GHz transverter (11k) in above photo (first SSB contact in Finland)

- circuit diagram of the RF VOX (86k) used for the medium performance transverter above (awful photo)

- building a 24 GHz beacon (76k) with OH2JMS ( 8 GHz LO, 8 GHz buffer outside & inside, 10 mW 8/24 GHz tripler )

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Updated 16.01.2019