Some photos from my stay in Orlando in October 1999:
- a sound file of Peter, DB2OS, playing ET ( 165k) and "talking to the satellite" over the YAHU microphone
- testing the LEILA unit with an overdriving CW carrier ( 151k ) uplinking in U band and downlinking in S band
- testing the LEILA unit with an overdriving SSB carrier ( 89k ) uplinking in U band and downlinking in S band
- a shot of myself and the P3D spacecraft ( 79k )
- zoom view of the AMSAT-OH 10 GHz X band horns ( 63k ) amidst the thermal the blanketing
- 30 GHz spectrum analyser, 40 GHz signal generator and 50 GHz power meter ( 106k ), loaned by Anritsu Corp.
- the lab RF probe was mislayed, so I quickly put together this High Tec RF Probe ( 32k )
- spectrum analyzer plot of X band SSPA TX ( 5k ) with three beacons and uplinked carriers on V band and S band
- spectrum analyzer plot of U band TX ( 5k ) with three beacons and uplinked carriers on V band and S band
- spectrum analyzer plot of S1 S band TX ( 5k ) with three beacons and uplinked carriers on H band and S band
- the 24 GHz Ka band waveguide ( 65k ) test setup with directional coupler and attenuators
- this trip was sponsored by AMSAT-DL and Anritsu Corporation
- next stop: Kourou, French Guiana !!!