Temperature in OH3NWQ's attic

Temperature sensor is upstairs in the attic. Temperature is measured as an average of 10-12 samples in every one minute period.

Graph is updated every two hours.

Link to outside temperature and radiation.

Time is now 13.03.2025 17:44:33z

or 13.03.2025 19:44:33 local time.

Last 24 hours:


Last 7 days:


Last 30 days:


Last half year:


Previous half year:


Measured with DS18S20,

- Version 1 (2005-2017) used DS1820 sensor and PIC16C84 running PicArbiter with modified controller code as a one-wire to RS232 converter, and a PC running logarbiter daemon

- Version 2 (2017 - ) uses DS18S20 connected directly to a GPIO pin of a Raspberry Pi 3B to read the sensor. Source code

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© 2005-2025 OH3NWQ

Creative Commons Licence
Temperature Graphs by OH3NWQ is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.